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Richard Johnson » Board Members

Richard Johnson


Biographical Info

I fell in love with the sport of archery when I started shooting at the age of 5. Like any child, I wanted to do what my parents were doing, and that was shooting archery. My father has multiple world championships and Olympic Medals, so that sums up where my passion for archery began. I started my archer career over 20 years ago when I started working at the family archery range, and quickly moved up the ranks to running Halls Arrow. I developed a true passion for all the different styles of archery, whether target archery and hunting. I’ve also become an Instructor the CT State Conservation Department, Level 3 Instructor for US archery, and a Judge for the NFAA. I quickly agreed to become a ARRO board member after our long standing relationship with ARRO. ARRO has been an extreme important part of the success of Hall’s Arrow, and I look forward to giving back to the group and making our businesses more profitable.

Categories: BoardMembers
Updated 8 months ago.

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