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Tom Wilcox » Board Members

Tom Wilcox

Director Wilcox Bait & Tackle

Biographical Info

I am proud to be working in our family business that my parents started in 1954. I grew up in the business and for many years fishing and hunting equipment, bait, guns, and ammo were primarily what we offered. It was not until years later that we became involved in the archery business. Archery was a whole new dimension to the sporting goods we already provided. Since then I have spent a good part of my life building our archery business. I have developed a passion for archery and have enjoyed helping others to get involved with the sport.  I am a firm believer that kids are the key to the future success of the archery industry.

I have been an ARRO member since 1996 which has truly been the best decision I have ever made. ARRO enables independent dealers to be more competitive by giving the dealer the buying power needed to purchase products for the best possible price. Being an ARRO member and attending the ATA show keeps me informed of new products and provides me with the profit margins I need to be a successful archery dealer. I look forward to doing all I can for all ARRO members through my service on the board.

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