Manufacturer Membership Information
Yearly buying program: Each year the manufacturer submits a program offer to the selection committee for approval. These programs are set up to offer our retailers the best price available without all the restrictions. The central bill/ drop ship programs are set up between the manufacturer and the A.R.R.O. office. The retail/member places their order directly with the manufacturer, the manufacturer sends all invoices to the A.R.R.O. central office for processing and the product is shipped directly to the retail member with a packing slip. The member/retailer remits payment to the A.R.R.O. central office and the central office in turns remits payments to the manufacturer. This procedure keeps the member/retailer accounts at a prompt/current status with the central office and the manufacturer is guaranteed payment from the A.R.R.O. central office.
Hot Show buying programs: Each year A.R.R.O. holds its own buying trade show called the ARRO Hot Show. This trade show is held a day and a half before the industries trade show – The ATA Show and is held in the same location. The ARRO Hot Show offers its member/retailers additional savings on selected items from each participating manufacturers product line. These orders must be placed by the attending retail/member during the time frame set aside for ARRO Hot Show purchases. If your company is interested in submitting a Hot Show Program – you must also submit a Yearly Program. The items selected for the Hot Show are to be new, top selling, or bread and butter items. Close-out merchandise is not what we are looking for at the Hot Show. The Hot Show prices average an additional twelve percent below the annual Buying Group price level on these select items.
To Submit a Program to ARRO please contact our office by sending an email to or you may call 800-234-7499 to receive the appropriate forms. Programs are only added twice a year; in November our selection committee meets to review all program offers for both Yearly and Hot Show for the upcoming year and then a select few Yearly programs are added after The ATA Show. Don’t wait, get on the mailing list now for the upcoming show.